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What is the standard commission for an estate sale website?

An estate sale is a type of sale that is organized for the purpose of selling the belongings of a person who has recently passed away. A few days before the estate sale, family members and friends of the deceased put together items to be sold at the event. The items may range from furniture to clothes and jewelry.

The day before an estate sale, organizers contact newspapers, radio stations and websites in order to advertise it. The day of an estate sale, organizers set up tables with items to be sold in various rooms inside or outside their home. Visitors are welcome to browse through these items and purchase them if they like what they see.

An estate sale is a process where an individual or company sells all property belonging to someone who has died. It is usually done after someone dies and their family members want to sell off their belongings.

An estate sale is a public sale of goods belonging to the deceased. Estate sales are usually held in the home of the deceased, with proceeds going to their heirs. Estate sales may be held for a variety of reasons, including to liquidate assets and pay outstanding debts, or as part of an estate settlement process.

Estate sales are a great way for families to get rid of the items that they no longer want and make a little bit of money in the process. The standard commission for an estate sale is typically 50%. This commission varies depending on the location, size, and type of sale. The commission for an estate sale is typically around 10% of the gross sales. The commission can vary depending on the size of the estate and how much work is needed to sell it.
Install by khemtat-l[at]hotmail.com

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