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กลับไปยังรายบอร์ด โพสต์ใหม่


Currently, I am looking for good online stores to buy geophysical equipment. I need a good GPR and some other pieces of equipment. Can you share some links?
Install by khemtat-l[at]hotmail.com

Okay. I think I can help you with that. My brother is a geodesist and I've just asked him. Oh, yep, he already sent me a link and said that this is that best place to get geophysical equipment https://geotechru.com/ . Personally I have no knowledge about this, but I hope I helped you here.
Install by khemtat-l[at]hotmail.com


Thanks to you and your brother. The prices there are good indeed and I see that I will find what I need there.
Install by khemtat-l[at]hotmail.com


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