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St Albans couple forced to leave Ukrainian refugees due to visa delays

St Albans couple forced to leave Ukrainian refugees due to visa delays

A couple who had to leave three refugees in France after visa delays have called the Homes for Ukraine scheme "disjointed and slow".

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Graham and Angela Coton, of St Albans, Herts, hoped to take a mother and her two children to their UK sponsor family after delivering aid to Poland.

But on Monday, the family were refused passage to the UK in Calais due to a delay in the vetting of their sponsor.

The government said it was "moving as quickly as possible".

Its Homes for Ukraine scheme allows UK nationals to individually sponsor a Ukrainian national's visa so that those without family connections can still come to live with a host family in the UK.

The couple delivered humanitarian aid to Lublin in Poland on Saturday and wanted to take the 35-year-old mother and her two children, aged 14 and seven, to a family in Norbury, south London, on their return.
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