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Water restrictions affect 6 million Catalans, among the news this Wednesday









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Water restrictions already affect 6 million Catalans. The Generalitat has decided to extend the exceptional situation due to lack of water reserves in another seven areas: Anoia-Gaià , the headwaters of the Ter, the Darnius-Boadella area, the Empordà, the Llobregat Mitjà, Prades-Llaberia and the Transversal Mountain Range. Therefore, Catalonia goes from having 224 to 495 exceptional municipalities. This represents a 40% cut in allocations for agricultural irrigation, 15% for industrial uses, between 15% and 50% for recreational uses, as well as the prohibition of irrigating green areas, public and private, with drinking water. They tell it in La Vanguardia. Europe imports nearly 230,000 primates for trials in two decades. Live animals have been used mainly for both medical and scientific experimentation purposes.

The business volume amounts to 800 million euros and Spain is one of the main players in this market. This is revealed by an academic investigation  published a few days ago in the magazine European Journal of Wildlife Research< a i=5>. They tell it in El Salto Diario. Bolivia has lost eight million hectares of forests in 37 years. Analysis of satellite images shows that Bolivia went from having 63 million hectares of forest in 1985 to 55 million Special Data hectares in 2022. In the last two years, the country has experienced a decline of 800 thousand hectares of forest. The information, evaluated by the Friends of Nature Foundation, also shows a retreat of 56% of the glaciers. They tell it in Mongabay. COP28 will address the health effects of the climate crisis.

Sultan Al Jabe, president of the next UN climate summit to be held in November in Dubai, explained that a day will be dedicated to health with a meeting of global ministers. The president of oil giant ADNOC has indicated that global health systems are likely to be overloaded when dealing with heat waves, floods or droughts, as well as the spread of disease vectors such as mosquitoes due to high temperatures. They tell it in The Guardian. Increase in allergies in Malaga due to climate change. Global warming makes pollination periods increasingly longer, as explained by Ibon Eguiluz, an allergist at the Civil Hospital. from Malaga. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis is around 30% in the Andalusian city, which represents an increase of 10%. They tell it in the SE Chain.

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