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Climent demands from the Government "a real dialogue" to end job insecurity









Rank: 1

The Minister of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Commerce and Work, Rafa Climent, yesterday Tuesday demanded that the Ministry of Employment withdraw the /span>, she indicated. "not negotiated or participated in with the autonomous communities, which are the ones that have transferred the powers regarding Employment" which is celebrated today. This is a strategy Sectoral Employment Conference, which is intended to be approved within the framework of theSpanish Employment Strategy 2017-2020

Minister Rafa Climent (in the background on the right) at the meeting held yesterday.

According to Climent, “the Government's unilateral proposal does not speak of Email Data quality in work, nor of the problem of youth unemployment or of those over 45 years of age. It seems that the intention is to continue with precarious policies. .

The councilor stated that “while Rajoy's Government looks the other way, the Consell has implemented active youth employment policies” (Avalem young people, young people +, orientation, workshops T'avalem) worth 100 million euros (2015-18). Another 230 are intended for those over 30 years of age (Avalem Experiència); all with funds from Europe, the State and the Generalitat. «We have done everything on our own initiative, because the lines set by Rajoy do not contribute anything. In fact, we are now using European funds from 2014 that the PP did not use », Climent pointed out. He was accompanied by the regional Secretary of Employment, Enric Nomdedéu, and the general director of employment of Servef , Rocío Briones.

In addition, representatives of the communities of Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Cantabria, Extremadura, Navarra and the Valencian Community have debated the general lines of the Spanish Employment Strategy 2017-2020, to conclude that the document represents a breach of what was agreed in the last <a href="http://www.< a i=3>» target=»_blank»>Conference of Presidents, since, according to Climent, “at no time was It has sought consensus, and there has hardly been any real dialogue. .

As reported by the minister, due to this lack of dialogue, the communities have demanded a meeting with the vice president of the Government, Soraya Sáez de Santamaría, to convene the monitoring table of the Conference of Presidents in order to redirect the Strategy in accordance with a desire for consensus and taking into account current needs.

The employment managers of the 10 communities believe - added Climent– that «the Employment Strategy Ministry hides real problems and consolidates a labor reform model based on precariousness, salary devaluation and lack of protection for workers. .

The 10 autonomous communities demand that the situation of the unemployed over 45 years of age and the long-term unemployed be addressed; and on the other hand, that the Government develop more measures aimed at young people, through the Youth Guarantee program, and «not only those that have been agreed unilaterally with Ciudadanos, and that do not adapt to policies that provide employment opportunities for young people», indicated the minister.

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