Due to the corona virus and the resulting poor economic situation, many companies have got into trouble. The relaxation of the short-time work laws is now intended to help employers. Read here how you can avoid trouble with the employment agency.
Sign of the Employment Agency in front of building
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What is short-time work?
Due to the corona virus and the resulting poor economic situation, many companies have got into trouble. Production downtime, lack of orders and tightened safety precautions mean that many companies are no longer able to fully employ and pay their employees.
In order to support Cell Phone Number Database companies in these times of crisis, the legislature has relaxed the requirements for claiming short-time work. In order for the employer to be reimbursed for short-time work benefits retrospectively, an application for benefits with an exact recording of the employees' working hours must be submitted to the employment office. Conflicts with the authorities often arise when the benefits have not been properly recorded. Applications such as clockin provide a simple remedy here.
What does the new regulation look like?
The government has decided to ease access to short-time work benefits until the end of the year in order to support companies in the current difficult times and to avoid layoffs. Normally, short-time work benefits are only paid if at least ⅔ of the workforce is affected by a loss of work. At the moment, however, there is already an entitlement to payment if at least 10 percent of employees have an unavoidable and temporary loss of wages of more than 10 percent within a month.
The employment agency relieves employers of personnel costs by paying employees 60 percent (or 67 percent if they have a child) of their lost wages and also fully covering the social security contributions to be paid by the employer.
time tracking via app
Clearly documented working hours save a lot of trouble...
To apply for short-time work allowance, the employer reports the duration and extent of the loss of work to the local employment agency. At the end of a month, a claim for reimbursement of the short-time work allowance is then submitted. This requires carefully recorded time sheets that show the exact hours worked by the employees. The actual working hours, as well as vacation times or other absences, must be listed in detail. And this is precisely what causes problems for many companies where minute-by-minute time recording is not normally common.
They often resort to Excel lists, which are prone to errors and are often inaccurate and confusing. Trouble with the employment agency due to inaccurate documentation and a lack of clarity is often inevitable and makes it difficult to get the money reimbursed promptly.
How to easily create timesheets automatically
clockin can help you with this: Using our mobile time recording, your employees can record the hours they have worked quickly, easily and down to the minute. Whether in the home office or on-site at the company: clockin can be used with any standard smartphone or tablet, does not require any time-consuming setup and is extremely easy to use. Exact and clear time lists for your employees are automatically created, which you can then submit to the local employment agency.